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The Executives

The association executives form the executive committee and are part of the coordination committee.

In this short video

Get to know AÉCSP and the actions of the executive committee and coordination committee (in French).

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About us

Executive Committee (CE)

The AÉCSP Executive Committee is taked with implementing decision once adopted. They are also required to keep an eye on the current state of affairs and are the official representatives of AÉCSP. They meet once or twice a month.

Missions :


The executive committee handles all human, financial or administrative work for the association. They thus ensure the proper management of the association and help it last. They furthermore oversee the coordination committee they sit on.


The AÉCSP executive committee is one of the main decision making bodies of the assocation: they may take any necessary action in the daily running of the association. Any decision must then be explained to the Board of Directors at a later time.


The executive committee enacts the decisions made by the General Assembly and Board of Directors. They also process inquiries submitted to the Board of Directors they are also a part of.

Members :

The AÉCSP executive committee has 4 members elected in the general winter election:


About us

Coordination committee (CoCo)

The AÉCSP Coordination Committee is responsible in implementing daily actions covering education, student life, external representation, student service and communications. They meet once a week.

Missions :


They make the required decisions to run the daily action of the association. They may also recommend specific decisions to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors in their areas of competence.


They coordinate the concrete implementation of the daily business of the association in working with volunteers. They also ensure the proper execution of the mandates assigned to them by the Executive Commitee and the Board of Directors.


They represent the graduate students at several boards and services at Polytechnique but also in other groups and events such as other associations, some policitcal coalitions or the Alumni.


The AÉCSP Coordination Committee has 8 members elected in the general winter election. 4 members from the executive committee. The 4 others are:

Any questions?

Reach out to us or come see Simona at room C-419.
Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de polytechnique
Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de polytechnique
© A.É.C.S.P.
AÉCSP, Polytechnique Montréal, Campus de l’Université de Montréal
2500, chemin de Polytechnique Local C-419, Montréal (Québec) H3T 1J4
(514) 340-4905