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Our values and missions

The work of AÉCSP and our political positions obey strong endeavours and are driven by the missions that are ground to our association

The values and missions of AÉCSP

Represent the student community

AÉCSP representsanddefendsthe interests of our student community for all aspects of student life at Polytechnique (academia, culture, professional integration, politics…) and outside of the school (with partner companies and other associations).

Fostering a community mindset

Through events and activities offered to its members, the AÉCSP association enacts a fellowship spirit among students to allow for various encounters and a pleasant worth-carrying experience at Polytechnique.

Provide student services

AÉCSP handles key community services (e.g. health insurance) and more comforting appliances (e.g. hot drinks at the student lounge). We also develop partnershipsadressing the needs and requests from the community with the goal to improve the students’ daily lives.

Accompany students

AÉCSP endeavours to act on behalf of students andaccompanythem best hroughout their journey at Polytechnique., in either success or trouble so as to make their experience with the school as good as possible. We are determined to support students and help them face their problems by providing solutions. The AÉCSP is also tasked with accompanying students facing isssues with mental healthand to contribute to the integration offoreign students, as well as to promoteinclusion and facilitate helping one anotherentamong students”

Act in favor of sustainability

We take issues linked withsustainable development very seriouslyand they are one of AÉCSP’s main priorities. Such challanges are adressed in our events as we put forward environmentally-friendly activities which are affordable and diverse. Sustainability is also taken into account in the services we provideand our communications.

We are further strivingto informthe student community on these challenges and to have academic and professional curricula take them into account.

The AÉCSP political positions

The AÉCSP advocates for specific positions on different issues to ensure continuance in our claims and to spread the word to extenal stakeholders. Here are two examples of important political positions decided by the association:

Sustainability Policy
  • AÉCSP positions itself in favor of lowering fossil fuel industry activity to achieve a green transition.” (adopted by the members’ assembly in 2015) This position enacts a strategy of reducing the environmental impact of the association.
Sociopolitical position

AÉCSP positions itself in favor of the reinstatement of a Canada registry of firearms. .” (adopted by the board of directors in 2018) This policy reiterates support for the control of firearms to limit the risk of shootings, which were notably suffered from by the Polytechnique student community in 1989.

Find all the positions of the AÉCSP here :

Are you advocating for noteworthy positions ?

Any questions?

Reach out to us or come see Simona at room C-419.
Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de polytechnique
Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de polytechnique
© A.É.C.S.P.
AÉCSP, Polytechnique Montréal, Campus de l’Université de Montréal
2500, chemin de Polytechnique Local C-419, Montréal (Québec) H3T 1J4
(514) 340-4905