Coordinator for
University affairs
The University Affairs Coordinator is responsible for the Association’s non-academic university issues, such as EDI, student mental health and occupational health and safety. She is also responsible for the Association’s values in relation to
sustainable development issues, and for representing the Association before all Polytechnique bodies dealing with these issues.
The roles are:
University Project Manager
University Affairs Coordination is responsible for managing and leading non-academic projects to enhance the student experience. Whether it’s improving facilities by working with the Campus Development team, ensuring accessibility for people with disabilities, or setting up initiatives to facilitate the inclusion of the entire community, the projects carried out by the University Affairs coordinator can be many and varied, depending on the needs of the graduate student community and the projects underway at Polytechnique.
Responsible for Sustainability
The University Affairs coordinator is the guarantor of the association’s values in all areas of sustainable development. These include the defense of our environment but also economic social and health themes so as to provide the community with access to support whenever needed. This includes defending these values in the various bodies on which the University Affairs coordinator sits.
Representation and decision
The University Affairs Coordinator represents the graduate student community on various Polytechnique bodies. She is a member of the AÉCSP Coordination Committee, and therefore takes part in the association’s decisions. She also has a seat on the Comité d’Orientation en Développement Durable de l’École Polytechnique(CODDEP), as well as on the Mental health committee, the disabled student committee and the EDI Committee.