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Specific Working Groups
What do Specific Working Groups do?
Specific working groups are formed whenever needed to reflect on a concrete matter. The founded taskforces meet on a regular basis to set actions and collect their thoughts about the issue they were assigned to. Some are created every year and some are born eventually according to the needs and interests of our community. If you have a project, feel free to discuss with, it might be a good idea for a SWG.
What are the specific working groups currently active?
- Specific working group on the Bylaws review : this taskforce is working on the revision of the association’s bylaws, taking into account the recommendations of the previous committee on the structure of the association.
- Specific working group on the Officer Compensation Policy review : This taskforce is focusing on the amount of compensation provided to association officers.
- Specific working group on the Governors Policy review : the purpose of this committee is to include in the Governors’ Policy the terms of reference for governors.
Recurring specific working groups:
- The desk diary committee: They work on the creation (from conception to printing) of next year AÉCSP desk diaries handed out to the community. It is usually formed in April/May every year and finished by August.
- The electoral committee: They are created before each new election approximately 2 months before the vote, usually August for the autumn election and January for the winter elections. They set the electoral calendar and ensure the proper democratic running of the elections, present communications and organize recruiting activities to run a fair and unbiased vote.
- The solidarity scholarship commitee: Their goal is to prepare the communications and collect applications to determine the laureates of the solidarity scholarships given to graduate students in dire financial conditions.
How to get involved in a specific working group?
Should you wish to create or join an SWG, contact us at We will be glad to welcome you among us!
Example of past specific working groups:
Here are two examples of past taskforces to give you a glimpse of potential matters to be addressed:
- New Website Committee : A taskforce investigating a new structure for the association website and writing content for the new pages.
- Political Position Whitebook Committee :This taskforce prepared the implementation of a whitebook to summarize political positions adopted by the association regarding various topics such as education and sustainability.
- Specific working group on the recruitment and promotion of involved students : this taskforce interested in recruiting new members, minimizing turnover and making everyone feel values in the association.
- Specific working group on the structure of the association : This taskforce studied the structure of the association and focused on imagining other possible organizations to help balance the workload of coordination committee members.