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Winter 2025 elections

Discover the electoral calendar!

Calendar and important dates

H25 election

Application forms

Here are the forms to fill in and send to before the end of the nomination process! Please read the instructions on the pages carefully!

Do you like to exchange ideas and share your opinions? Do you like organizing and taking part in events? Would you like to get more involved in student life at Poly and your student association? Would you like to speak for the students in your department?

The AECSP has several positions to fill this year, and one of them is definitely for you!


Your student association offers you positions on the Coordinating Committee (CoCo) – mandate from May 1, 2025 to April 30, 2026:

  • President: Manager of the association’s team and projects, Official Representative
  • General Secretariat: Organizes the association’s official bodies, responsible for tools and workspaces, responsible for the legislative corpus
  • Treasury: Manages the association’s budget and human and material resources.
  • Student Life Coordination: Responsible for student life at the graduate level, by managing and supervising AÉCSP committees.
  • Education coordination: Responsible for the association’s academic affairs, support for students, representation on Polytechnique’s academic bodies, coordination of the education council.
  • External affairs coordination: Sociopolitical affairs manager, exchanges with other student associations and the UEQ, external representation
  • Communications Coordination: Communications manager, content creation and visuals
  • University Affairs coordinators: Manager of student welfare, EDI, etc., Sustainable Development Officer
  • Service coordination: Responsible for maintaining and developing partnerships, responsible for services offered by and in partnership with the association (insurance, graduation photos, etc.).

Would you rather work on your critical thinking skills and take part in long-term decision-making?

The AÉCSP is looking for motivated students to join its Board of Directors ( yes, just like in a real company!):

  • 7 directorships (4 type H – term of office from May 1, 2025 to April 30, 2026 and 3 type A – term of office from May 1, 2025 to October 31, 2025): Make strategic decisions for the association on a wide range of issues, such as the annual budget, insurance, political positions, grants…

Simple image based business facebook banner (3)

Would you like to act as a link between students and your department, and help students academically?

Then you’ll probably love the position of Council Delegates to Education (term May 1, 2025 – April 30, 2026)! We’re looking for :

  • Mech/Aero Engineering Delegate

  • Electrical/Energy Engineering Delegate

  • Physical Engineering/Materials Delegate

  • Civil Engineering / Geology and Mining Delegate
  • Chemical Engineering Delegate

  • Biomedical Engineering Delegate

  • Delegate Computer and Software Engineering

  • Delegate Mathematics and Industrial Engineering
  • Délégué de Maîtrise Recherche

  • Program Delegate Courses (Maîtrise Professionnelle and DESS)

  • Doctorate Delegate

Want to introduce yourself? Here are the steps to follow:

  • Fill in the application form for the chosen position and have it signed by at least 10 members of the AÉCSP (from the same department as you for Education Council delegates and A administrators, from at least three different departments for Coordination Committee positions and H administrators).

  • Write a short presentation text (in French, but you can also include a translation).

  • Choose a good photo of yourself.

  • Send all documents by e-mail to before March 25.


You need to be a member of the association to run. Be careful, french knowledge is mandatory to apply

Want to get involved in an election campaign? You’re entitled to a $20 budget, which can only be spent during the campaign period. These expenses must be justified and declared to the AECSP election committee:

You can also drop by C-419, one of the association’s offices, or write to We’ll be delighted to answer your questions!


Important dates :

  • Nominations: March 12 to March 25

  • Campaign period: March 26 to April 1

  • Online voting: April 2 to April 4

  • Online vote count: April 5

Still got any questions?

Reach out to us or come see Simona at room C-419.
Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de polytechnique
Association étudiante des cycles supérieurs de polytechnique
© A.É.C.S.P.
AÉCSP, Polytechnique Montréal, Campus de l’Université de Montréal
2500, chemin de Polytechnique Local C-419, Montréal (Québec) H3T 1J4
(514) 340-4905